Saturday, December 11, 2010

Sabbath Lunch with My 7am Students

Today, just a little after 13:00, my 7am Level 2 students (5 out of 7) came to my appartment for lunch--as I had invited.

Before, I was really stressed and worried. I am not a cook--much less, a good cook. Yet, I invited them over for lunch (what was I thinking?).

The thing is, I had some of these guys in Level 1 last term. They wanted to come and see where I live for a while. So, I finally decided to let them come.

Now . . . what to do? The first thing that came to mind was to prepare a meal for them. I wanted to prepare a typical Latin American dish, but I had several problems:

1.Don't know how to cook meat (this was no time for trying a new recipie).

2. No plantains, so I couldn't fry'em.

3. Black beans, hard to find. When I finally found them, I had a new problem . . . I didn't know how to cook them well. I tried several times, using different methods that I've heard; but it ended up in epic failure. I wish I had learned to make black beans the way my mother did. That's my main regret, as far as culinary knowledge is concerned.

So, I just did what little I knew: rice with onions, scrambled eggs with tomatoes and onions, toad-in-hole (toast with fried egg in the center), and a random salad.

Fortunately, my coordinator/apartment-mate (who is a great cook) pitched in. She made scalloped potatoes and corn salad.

Then, my guys arrived. They brought pizza, pepsi, coke, and chicken. I think this was my 2nd Thanksgiving meal this year.

Everyone ate their fill and said all the food was really good and no one died after eating my food. See?! God still works miracles everyday!

Ok, enough story. On to the pictures.

My apartment-mate/coordinator helping my guys feel more welcome.

My 7am Level 2 guys (minus 2)

I love these guys. They motivate me to get up at 5:30 am. . . they just don't know it.

After the eating is done, clean up!

Just look at my sweet, diligent men.

Putting the coffee table back and everything.

Now, a personal portrait study of each present student:






After cleaning my place up a bit and before leaving.

My posture is better in this one. That, and I'm taller than 3 of my students (Bob is standing on his tiptoes--which is cheating).

I had such a great time with these guys, I was actually happy even when I was washing all the dirty dishes, utensils, etc. (which were many).

I really do love these guys. I am honored to help them learn English. If they count me as a friend, it would be an even greater honor.

Well, that's all for now. So, it's back to preparing for next week.

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