Yay, I get to explore a bit of my city!
Let's go and see what's around.
My favorite chain from back in 천안 (Cheonan). The food is just as good, the environment is a little different, but still nice.
This is the bus stop near Han's Deli.
The entrance to a shopping promenade.
Just in case you wanted to know where you are and how to get somewhere.
Part of the Grand Hotel with Paradise Casino right beside it. You see the casino advertised on just about all the cabs in the city.
"The Shilla" Duty Free shopping.
Maybe I'll be brave enough to enter one day . . . just to see stuff I wouldn't be able to buy even if I wanted to.
The ever helpful red "you are here" circle.
Good thing I can read Korean (too bad I can't understand everything I do read).
Yeah, this place belongs to Korea, but you can see a strong Japanese presence on this street.
Apparently there are 4 different goddesses in this island.
Here's one.
(too bad the description is only in Korean)
Here's another.
Another testimony of the strong Chinese/Taiwanese presence in this city.
One of these days, I'd like to visit here; just for the sheer heck of it.
Who knows? They might have free samples or something.
I came to a park that's just a block away from the tea museum.
The typical exercise equipment you can find in any Korean park.
Ah, trees ... (from the pagoda)
Now down the steep stairs.
I wonder how this works . . .
Check out the plaque (the English part)
Now the train (with the description from the previous picture).
Walking up the promenade, I come across this place.
This "Royal Resort Shopping" looked more like a run-down flee market. No wonder hardly anyone was there.
I think you can rent bikes!
Yet to be confirmed.
Behold, the only dress I've seen in Korea that I like and makes sense to me.
Yeah, I don't understand Korean fashion.