Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Taiwan 9: Taroko National Park 3 (19. Jan. '18)

Fourth Stop: Jiuqudong

I cannot honestly say Jiuqudong (Tunnel of Nine Turns) was my next "stop," because I didn't get back in the car then get off here. I walked from Yanzikou here. Yanzikou just flowed into Jiuqudong without me realizing it.
That, and I didn't see my driver, so I thought either he's waiting for me up the road or he couldn't drive on that way. Turns out, he was waiting for me.

I could not stop taking pictures. It was indeed the meaning of "awesome." This place truly inspired a deep sense of awe in me. I couldn't help it, I even started singing hymns of praise to my GOD. That's the least HE deserves.

My driver waving to show me something.
Turns out, if you look up, you see the mountains around you form a crescent-moon-shaped opening of the sky. There is entirely no way I could've ever gotten that with a camera. Maybe it's possible with a drone... Any takers?

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