October 15, 2011 is the night I went to my first opera; who knew it was going to be in Korea? It was at Cheonan City Hall. They host many different kinds of cultural programs there.
I saw flyers about it and thought I'd give it a try. It's called "Figarro's Wedding." I figured it was a sequel to "The Barber of Seville"--too bad I never saw it. I don't even know the story behind it.
Naturally, they sung in Italian. I understand some Italian, but I couldn't understand what they sang: the words they sang were not always clear. They had translation--in Korean. So I was at a loss.
Well, at least it was an experience and now I can say I've been to an opera.
Maybe I should do some research on whatever I plan to watch before I actually go and watch it.
I sat in the balcony, so this was the view from the edge of the balcony, looking towards the stage.
The balcony.
It was quite empty. Except for the restless kids.
It was still intermission, so I kept on taking pictures.
I don't understand; when the intermission was over and the opera started again, why were the lights from intermission still on? Weren't they supposed to go off?
Oh well, that gives me a chance to take pictures of the actors on stage without needing flash.
Singer + Korean "subtitles"
The play is over, now the cast comes and takes a bow.
Figarro and the rest of the cast.
Final bow at the curtain call.
. . . and let's call it a night.