Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Quick Week Summary (21.-27. Oct.)

I went out for a bit and just thought I'd combine it all into 1 post. Everything is either from Sunday or Saturday. Either way, let me show you a little bit from what I saw this week.

I visited a cafe on Sunday (21.Oct.) that I wanted to check out for a long time. It's called "Ludwig" (as in Ludwig van Beethoven).


The outside.

Some of what they offer, as well as their hours of operation.

Some more info if you want.
They're a bit pricey, but the ambiance is really nice.

That's the end of Sunday. Off to Saturday.

The view out my bedroom window.
You can see it's Autumn--and the institute.

I decided to take a walk to my favorite, nearby park--but with my camera this time.

Some of the most vivid reds I've ever seen.

"The long and winding road . . ."

"A cord of three is not easily broken."

If you feel like working out outside, here's the place to do it (with palm trees).

Now, off to a special traditional Korean music concert in which one of the church members (and a former student of mine) played.

The musician's husband and son. They're a really nice family, each one of them.

The traditional Korean orchestra. The conductor (dressed in green) doesn't do much other than signal when to begin and when to stop. The orchestra takes care of themselves--together.
By the way, they're dressed here in the traditional garb of the royal orchestra, which played in the palace.

Chan-gu and Dragon drum.
I learned to play the Chan-gu 2 years ago in Cheonan.

The conductor (and founder of this traditional orchestra).

Honestly don't know what it's called, but find it fascinating how it resembles a cello on a table.

A special duo.

The founder himself plays.

My former student and a current church member doing what she does wonderfully.

A group from within the orchestra.

Like a table harp I've seen in Austria.

They pluck the strings with a stick and press them down for the desired sound.

It's hard to believe, but this little flute sounds like a saxophone.

The orchestra with a singer.

The entire orchestra again.

This was a nice educational and cultural night. Too bad I didn't have the battery-life to take video.
Now, off to enjoy my shortest term break ever . . . 

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