Saturday, November 26, 2011

So, now what?

Hi everyone.

Well, I'd say this is the end of my blog.

I've been back in the States for 17 days already. It's been quite busy.

As soon as my family picked me up from the airport, we started moving into our new apartment in Jacksonville, Florida. We were doing this with very little sleep (I had about 6 hrs. in the last 30+ hrs., Dad didn't sleep at all the previous night--like me--and step-mom was able to nap a bit). It was a challenge, but we got everything in that day. Now, we didn't finish arranging everything until the following Monday.

From then on, I've been working on getting everything ready for my Euro-trip in Dec. I'll be gone for a month to visit friends in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and Sweden. There are others I'd like to see, but money and time are against me.

Also, I've got a close friend who's getting married in January 18. I'll be a bridesmaid and we've got most of our things ready for going to her wedding in the Bahamas.

Still need to see a few more relatives and friends, then I'll be ready to return to Korea in mid-February--if it's God's will.

I have 1 question: Do you want me to continue sharing pictures with you in the future? I need to know how many of you actually care and want to keep up with what I'm doing and how I am. If you want me to continue sharing pictures or continue blogging like this, I need you to write a comment on this post and tell me how you feel.

"May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind always be at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face, and rains fall soft upon your fields.

And until we meet again, May God hold you in the palm of His hand."

-Old Irish Blessing


  1. Hey Joann, You have done a lot better keeping up your blog than I ever did with mine. I think you should continue.

    Also I'm jealous that you are going to Europe in December...

  2. Wäre schön, wenn du weitermachen würdest :) /H

  3. I agree with Chris. You have done a pretty good job keeping up with the blogging. I think you should continue. And, I'm also jealous that you are going to Europe.

    This is Emmalee, by the way. :)

  4. Hi there Joann.
    I really enjoy looking at your blog.
    every time I look forward to seeing your photos with amusing description.
    I wish you could keep blogging ^^
    I hope to see you in Korea next year.
    Have a nice trip in Europe.
    many greetings from UK

  5. Hi there Joann.
    I really enjoy looking at your blog.
    every time I look forward to seeing your photos with amusing description.
    I wish you could keep blogging ^^
    I hope to see you in Korea next year.
    Have a nice trip in Europe.
    many greetings from UK
