Saturday, April 11, 2020

Highlights from my last trip to Jeju. (**WARNING: Very adult content**)

During the weekend of Lunar New Year, I visited Jeju. I knew it would be one of my final visits to Jeju, but I didn't realize it would be the final trip.

COVID-19 had already sprouted in China, and Korea was worried. Arriving at Jeju International Airport, I saw it was easier to count the individuals who weren't wearing facemasks.

Once I arrived in Seogwipo (the main city on the southern coast--where most of the tourist spots are), the atmosphere was completely different. Hardly anyone wore a mask. The vibe was very chill (it could also be because it was windy).

I checked in to the hotel Kenny Story Inn. I was positively impressed. I would compare it as a four-star hotel trying to disguise itself as a budget hotel. I was in for a treat when I saw I got a corner room on the eleventh floor: two sets of windows with two different views + constant, yet chilly breeze (this was the end of January). Could this hotel get any better?

It could!

How? In one word: breakfast.

This breakfast is reason enough to stay at this hotel.

The Museum of Sex and Health

This is where the content gets very adulty.

However, as I took many pictures here, I will only post those that are kosher, as I don't want to get into legal trouble.

Entering highly adult content

I didn't realize how connected so many things are to sex.


Important information

Thank you! I knew older people have sex too!

Condom usage frequency by age

Random food shots

Mashed potato and gravy tart at KFC.
First time I saw and ate this.
I did not regret it.

Kenny Story Inn's breakfast buffet is legit.

Great fuel for the day

Baghdad, the best Indian restaurant I've ever been to in Korea.

I met a former coworker, and we were able to catch up for a while. We even got to video call my that-time boyfriend! There were other people I wanted to meet, but it didn't work out. We had hoped to see each other again, but that now has a huge question mark. Hopefully, we can meet up again one day--with my husband.

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