Monday, February 16, 2015

Back to Nagasaki (26. Jan.)

Whew, the weekend was great, but now I must be off. Back to Nagasaki I go.

My JR Pass expired, so I needed to buy a ticket. Fortunately, it wasn't too expensive (by Japanese standards).

Japanese Doritos.
Nacho cheese.
Tasted similar, but the font really throws me off. The script right above the "-os" of Doritos reminds me soooooo much of Hebrew.

Yeap, this was Kumamoto.

Make sure you throw your trash away in the appropriate bin.

The "powder" room.
Makes sense. At least this way, someone isn't in the bathroom for ever when there are others who need to go.

It's a little wider than Korean trains. Also, Korean trains have steps up and down the platform and train.

I'm on Kyushu island, so it makes sense.

Have I mentioned I like trains?

Don't know what it is for or what it says, but I thought the dog was adorably cute.
Saw this in the mall/department store beside/connected to Nagasaki Station (stationary section).

A few minutes' walk to my hostel (the red circle sign and yellow staircase) from Nagasaki Station.
I honestly didn't realize it was this near. Ok, good for me!

Go up the yellow staircase in the previous picture, and go up another floor, you'll come to this door.

Here, I met a lovely surprise: the owner(?) speaks Spanish! He spent quite a bit of time in Latin America, so we proceeded to simply communicate in Spanish the entire time. So not expecting that, and just as grateful!

1 more floor and ladies can stay in this room.

This is how it looks like inside.

Shower room.
Must say, this is the largest shower room I've ever seen (as far as where you actually shower).

So, I settle in to my room and arrange my soaked items to dry (it was pouring and I learned my carry-on wasn't water-proof that day) and decided to brave the rain and explore a bit on my own.

I walked out, and it had stopped raining. That works too.

Oh! I was so happy to see the church--with Latin script!
Ok so there's a YMCA too. Big deal.

This was just past the Nagasaki station, heading north.

Hmm, large mall with its own Ferris wheel, like at Kagoshima Station . . .

Guess what I did . . . 

Hey, I'm going up!
Don't you see the triangles pointing up through the window behind me?
(totally unplanned, by the way)

From the top, looking south towards Nagasaki Station and the harbor beyond.

Looking down at the nice outdoor area on the 6th floor (the Ferris wheel was standing on the 5th floor).

Just thought this looked cool.

Thank you for my 2nd Ferris wheel and 6 pairs of knee-high socks for 1,000 Yen total!

A bit of the night view as I'm walking back to my hostel.

End of Day 8.

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