On this day, my friend took me to Nora and Örebro and showed me around a bit. Nora is a really small town about a 20 min. drive from her village. Örebro is a small city about 1 hr. away.
"Europa Nostra (Our Europe) Award of 1993" to Nora, basically for preserving their charming, ageless town.
The train station at Nora--which isn't used anymore.
The reliefs depicts scenes from the people's everyday lives.
One side domestic, the other side are miners.
The Tower at Örebro.
The view from the top.
Ha! Swedish, English, and German. Who would've thought I'd understand 2 of the 3 languages?
Last look up at the tower.
I couldn't pass up another castle!
Some information about the Örebro castle.
The "old town", quite well preserved.
huh, I guess this is where you go to get help when you're in trouble.
I'm not going to get in trouble for this, will I?
Ah! I'm going back to the past!
My friend and I spell our names using the magnetic "ancient written language." Mine is the second one.
I've never seen these before: cups with straws that suck the liquid from the bottom. Fancy that!
Now you can test your pictoral comprehension: What does each symbol mean?
Leaving from the Örebro train station very early in the morning, to make it to my flight down to München (Munich).
One means "Open" and the other means "Close": which is which?
My last transfer before arriving to the airport.
I had a very long day because I barely slept the night before, had to get up very early that day, and I was sick. As soon as I got to Munich, I looked for a hotel. I got one, thanks to the people at a hotel info desk in the airport. I didn't care about anything else that day: I needed to sleep.
The next day, I woke up early (but not too early), made it back to the airport and flew back to America. It was a long trip, but I was happy to be with my family again.
Next question: When will I do this again?
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